Monday, January 14, 2013

Solution to the Transportation Woes in Singapore

With the new CEO and his military commanders installed at our "privatised" SMRT (Singapore's train and bus services company which is stock-exchanged listed and yet subsidised with tax payers $); we still see breakdowns occurring. We might take some time to fix this mess, given that the ex-retail enterprise CEO was clearly sleeping on the engineering aspects of the job for awhile.

Also not forgetting the labour strike dispute with SBS Bus drivers; we will see a tough time getting foreign bus drivers, unless the wages increases further to make it a decent living wage for local bus drivers and they can fill in the holes. Oh yeah, let's not forget the impending increase in bus fares once the new wages kick in.
Lastly with the COEs for cars breaching all time highs, we will soon see only luxury European cars on the road and common men fighting for Taxis plying on the already congested roads.

How do we resolve the current transportation crunch as well as to appease the people living in Singapore? The government should not be spending billions to buy buses but throw the money on making bicycle tracks and secured bicycle racks at MRT stations, office buildings etc. Follow Holland, Japan, or any decent developed countries with a healthier population from making cycling an everyday activity.

I can list so many advantages to having a livelier cycling community in Singapore as an alternative to our current mode of transportation.
1) Eco-green, and making Singapore less reliant on oil/petrol. 
2) Less polluted, making us more attractive compared to places like Hong Kong, Beijing for business.
3) Healthier population - less dependent on health care services which currently is also squeezed due to population increase.
4) Relieve the current train, bus, taxi, car ownership crunch.
5) Burning energy cycling to and from work/home will ensure our ruling party a more subservient population. Also releases the anger in their loss of car ownership due to out of reach cost of a car.

Seriously, with the above advantages and almost no disadvantages except to the government/conglomerates who thrive on our 40% tax on petrol, high priced COEs, medical spending, Taxi/Bus/Train get my point. But item 5 alone will aid in getting some votes back come 2016. Which is more important to the ruling party, votes or $? Do you agree?

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